You deserve a beautiful, empowering and positive birth experience
Hypnobirthing Australia Positive Birth Program
Equip yourself with the confidence and knowledge you need to calmly bring your baby into the world. Birth is something that you will always remember - it is absolutely possible for it to be a positive experience.
Completing the Positive Birth Program will provide you with comprehensive, evidence-based education that will help you to achieve your positive birth. You will gain an understanding about how to utilise deep relaxation, reduce fears, understand the physiology of birth and how to work instinctively with your body throughout labour and birth.
Hypnobirthing Australia Course Outline
Introduction to the positive mindset of hypnobirthing
How our brain is wired to birth
The role of our caregivers
Mind/body connection
What is self-hypnosis and how will we use it for birthing?
Our hormones are our friends
My amazing uterus – Understanding the physiology behind birthing
Fear-Tension-Pain Syndrome
Causes of Fear (including history) and how it affects our labour
Re-programming the Subconscious
The language for empowered birthing
The power of affirmations
Birthing environment
Self-hypnosis tracks
Birth music
Conditioning with scent
Hypnotic anchors and triggers
Releasing endorphins through massage and touch
Acupressure techniques for pregnancy, birth & breastfeeding
Visualisations for pregnancy, labour & birthing
The importance of facial relaxation
Relaxation Breathing – a skill for life
Surge Breathing – the best tool ever!
Techniques to help make your surges more comfortable
The ‘urge’ to push/bear down – Breathing/Bearing down
Bonding with baby
Choices in maternity care
Birth Preferences – having open communication with your caregivers
Knowledge is power – researching common interventions and procedures
Questions to ask, to assist in making informed decisions
Birth partner as advocate
‘Guess date’ – a normal range of pregnancy
Inductions – things you’re not always told
Achieving a natural start to labour
Maintaining a healthy diet
Preparing the body – staying active
Optimising baby’s position
Breech or Posterior – options & positions
Instant relaxation techniques
Self-hypnosis, meditation and deep relaxation techniques & scripts
What to expect in the weeks and days leading up to birth
Signs that labour is starting
What to expect through labour (membranes releasing etc)
When to call the midwife/go to the hospital
Accidental home/car birth – what to do!
Birth partner’s role
Common procedures
Using water during labour and birth
Upright positioning, movement and birth positions
Special circumstances (including caesarean birth)
Fear release
Cord clamping & placenta delivery
Undisturbed bonding & breastfeeding time – skin to skin
What to expect afterwards
Self-hypnosis – Rehearsal for Birth
A practice routine – preparation for birth!
12 Hours face-to-face learning
Hypnobirthing Australia™ materials including: 60 page booklet packed with scripts, visualisations, cheat sheets, partner prompts and more
Access to an online platform with extra birth videos, MP3s, recorded hypnosis scripts, ebook 'Little Book of Hypnobirthing', research links, and more
Light refreshments provided
A Birth & Baby Co goodie bag
Special client discount on all other Birth and Baby Co services and products
Ability to email me for support until you give birth
What is included in The Positive Birth Program?
Group class
Complete The Positive Birth Program in an intimate group setting either face to face or via Zoom
Private 1:1/Private Group
Have Amelia come to you and complete The Positive Birth Program in your home privately or with someone you know.
Refresher Course
Completed The Positive Birth Program before and just after a refresher course? This is the right option for you!
When is the best time to start the course?
The ideal time to start is from about 20-30 weeks of pregnancy. This is so that you have time to practice all the techniques learnt in the course and the information is still fresh. However, in saying that if you are further along in your pregnancy, please don't think it is too late. You can start classes at anytime and we can find an option to best suit you. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
How is the course structured?
Depending on how you choose to access the course (group or private), it can be delivered in 3 x 4 hour sessions or 2 x 6 hour sessions.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who do I bring to class with me?
Bring yourself and your birth partner/companion. Your birth partner can be your partner, doula, sister, friend, mother – whoever you feel will best support you throughout your pregnancy and birth. However, you are also welcome to come solo if you prefer.
What if I can’t make the group course date?
Not to worry! Contact me for more options and we will find something that works for you!